Best Presentation Awards Results

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Best Presentation Competition.

Awardee was chosen from participants registered to ISH2023 who applied for the competition and:
  • were no more than 35 years old on 23.05.2023 (some exceptions may be allowed e.g. maternity leave);
  • were the first author of the accepted full paper;
  • presented the paper at the meeting (oral or poster presentation);
  • were the main researcher involved in the work that is presented.
The jury, composed of the experienced scientists participating in the School, made its decision based on the originality, ingenuity and presentation quality.

The awarded participants for a Best Oral Presentation are:
  1. Henry Hansen, Karlstad University for the presentation titled "Practitioner Friendly Introduction to Bayesian Flood Frequency Analyses"
  2. Yiwei Guo, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Science for the presentation titled "Information entropy theory-based optimizing of gauge networks for hydrological modelling- A case study in the Loess Plateau, China​"
  3. Lucheng Wu, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton for the presentation titled "Measurements of the resonant properties of fish swim bladders using an impedance tube"
The awarded participants for a Best Poster Presentation are:
  1. Michał Halicki, University of Wrocław for the presentation titled "High-resolution water surface slope of Polish rivers from multi mission satellite altimetry"
  2. Adrian Bróż, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies for the presentation titled "Refining velocity measurements protocols in a lowland vegetated channel"
  3. Khansa Gulshad, Gdańsk University of Technology for the presentation titled "Impact of land use and land cover changes on the surface runoff in Gdańsk, Poland"
The award, granted by the Institute of Geophysics PAS. Congratulations!